NOTE: We currently only support US unlocked versions of 2004 on 64bit OS. European or locked US support 2004 is…
Users of AutoCAD Architectural Desktop 2i (aka AutoCAD ADT 2000) are very used to the software package and cannot do…
Most current AutoCAD 2000 users are very used to the software package and cannot do without it. With the latest hardware and…
As an existing AutoCAD R14 user, you most likely cannot do without your beloved AutoCAD R14. With the latest hardware…
These instructions solve issues around installing/running your old AutoCAD LDT 2008 on newer versions of 64bit Windows 7, Windows 8 and…
These instructions solve issues around installing/running your AutoCAD C3D 2008 on newer 64bit Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10.…
If you are installing AutoCAD 2002 and your setup is just sitting there right at the end at about 99%…
If you are receiving a Windows error like this while installing, running or updating AutoCAD... Installing an LT 2009 sp…
Follow these instructions to solve issues around installing/running your old AutoCAD Mechanical 2005 on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows…
If you want to run AutoCAD in offline mode and block all internet access to and from AutoCAD executables, including…
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