AutoCAD “There was a problem sending the command to the program”

If you are seeing the message “There was a problem sending the command to the program” when you double click a DWG file from Windows Explorer, then the solution is to follow the instructions listed for your AutoCAD version below:

If you do not see your version of AutoCAD listed, or you are not an AutoCAD user, leave me a comment below and I’ll check it out for you.

Copyright Longbow Software 2015


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  • I have always run windows 2000 on my xp laptop. I installed autocad 2000 recently onto my windows 7 32 bit computer, without knowing about your converter. I can open the program, but windows says"do you want to allow this to alter your computer?. i click yes, then i can open a file in autocad. but then i get a notice "cant send command to program". sometimes i can proceed in the file. but on one large file, it froze after that notice came. will your converter help my situation?

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