AutoCAD File->Save or File->Open Crash…

If are experiencing crashing problems using the File->Open or File->Save dialog inside of AutoCAD (or any other Autodesk product), there are a few items that can cause this:

  1. New HP Machine If you have recently purchased a new HP computer or you have an HP computer for which you have recently carried out an HP update on Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1…Check if you have any of these applications installed:
    • HP Trust Center
    • HP Client Security Manager

      If so, uninstall them and reboot. We recommend you find an alternative as they cause this issue.

  2. For AutoCAD versions >= 2008, you can try disabling the InfoCenter toolbar at the top right of AutoCAD.
    1. If you know LISP, this code will work for all versions of AutoCAD 2008 or higher
      1. add this code to the end of your acad.lsp (vl-registry-write (strcat “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\” (vlax-product-key)”\\Applications\\InfoCenterAcConn”) “LOADCTRLS” 0)
    2. If you do not know LISP
      1. Start Regedit.exe
      2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Autodesk\AutoCAD\<Release.Number>\ACAD-<VerticalCode>:<LanguageCode>\Applications\InfoCenterAcConn 
      3. Set the LoadCtrls value to 0
      4. To turn it back on, simply set LoadCtrls value to 76
  3. Remove all USB devices – older versions of AutoCAD don’t understand what a Samsung Phone is, and this can cause crashes.
  4. If you have been opening DWG files from an external drive (e.g. USB drive) try re-connecting the drive…
  5. The latest Windows Operating systems (Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10) correctly enforce permission settings for your personal files (Documents folder etc). The problem is that your older version of AutoCAD does not understand these new permission settings, and this can stop you being about to open your DWG files and even cause AutoCAD crash. As a quick test, copy the DWG files that always crash when you save to a USB drive, then create a new folder called c:\MyDwgs, now copy the files from your USB to the c:\MyDwgs folder. Finally, try AutoCAD with the DWG files in c:\MyDwgs – is AutoCAD working now? If so, you can either leave your DWG files in that folder, or you’ll need to relax the permissions on your DWG folder to allow access to AutoCAD.
  6. MSN Plugin – if you see MSN as an entry in your Windows Explorer, uninstall MSN – AutoCAD doesn’t like this.
  7. For versions of AutoCAD >= 2000i here’s a quick fix to bypass the problem (although hard to remember each time) – on starting AutoCAD, type “Options” at the command line, select the ‘Files’ tab, click ‘Browse’, then simply click cancel. Now cancel out of the Options dialog altogether. Try your File->Open… Does it work? If so, you should now be good until the next time you start AutoCAD.
  8. If you have a non-HP machine that is giving you this issue or (2) didn’t work for you, please record below in the comments section:
    1. What computer make you are running
    2. What specific Windows version you are running
    3. What exact version of AutoCAD you are running (e.g. AutoCAD Architecture 2008 32bit)
    4. What AutoCAD service packs (if any) you have applied
    5. What anti-virus software you are running. We’ll see if we can solve this for you…
  9. Check out this page Interactions with the AutoCAD Ribbon crashes AutoCAD on Windows 10
  10. If all this fails, you can of course set FILEDIA = 0 at the command line to turn off the File Dialog User Interface
Copyright 2017 (c) Longbow Software

Resolving The Longbow Converter “Error Code 2”

If you are getting an “Error Code: 2” message when converting your 32bit AutoCAD 2008 or newer, then here’s what you need to do…


The “Error Code: 2” message indicates that either the Converter was unable to write to the folder (most likely) or that the media was not copied in full (least likely).

  1. In the 1st tab of the Converter tool, you would have selected a path to your 32bit AutoCAD, let’s say for example it is c:\Autodesk\AutoCAD2013
  2. Start Windows Explorer, right click the c:\Autodesk\AutoCAD2013 folder and click Properties
  3. Now un-check Read-Only then click Apply, then Apply to All Files and Folders
  4. Now try again…

If you are still getting the “Error Code: 2” message, then find your specific AutoCAD version from here (on the left side), then use those instructions specifically to install your AutoCAD.

Copyright 2014 (c) Longbow Software

AutoCAD 32bit/64bit side-by-side installation compatibility chart

This blog has been written to help advise those who require 32bit versions of AutoCAD to reside on the same computer system as 64bit versions of AutoCAD.

Before we start, when installing 32bit AutoCAD on 64bit Windows, you should take care not to mix the same version/series of AutoCAD 32bit with the same version/series of the corresponding 64bit version of AutoCAD, on the same computer. The reason is that they were not designed to run in a side-by-side configuration and therefore may conflict. The same rule can generally be made for all Autodesk products.


  • When installing 32bit AutoCAD, we advise that you uninstall all previous versions of 64bit AutoCAD before installing your 32bit version of AutoCAD.
  • If you are installing multiple versions of AutoCAD, you should always install in chronological order, in other words, oldest to newest.
    • e.g AutoCAD 2004, Architecture 2004, Map 2005, AutoCAD 2007, Civil3d 2015
    • Failure to follow this simple rule can render you with missing entry point errors, un-explained crashing, un-installable Autodesk software and more.
  • For best results, we recommend that you install only 32bit versions of AutoCAD on your computer system, however, mixing is possible with care – refer to the chart below if you must have the 64bit version installed on the same computer.

This chart shows which 32bit AutoCAD versions can be installed on the same system as 64bit AutoCAD versions…

  • Green means Should be OK
  • Red/Dark Red means Problems will occur, you should not do this
AutoCAD 32bit 64bit side by side configurations

Shows which versions of 32bit AutoCAD can be installed side by side to 64bit versions of AutoCAD

Copyright 2015 (c) Longbow Software