Installing AutoCAD LT 2000 on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10

Most users of AutoCAD LT 2000 are so used to it that they cannot do without it. With the latest hardware and required move to newer Windows versions, trying to install your AutoCAD LT 2000 gives an error like this one…

Windows 16bit setup error - This app can't run on your PC

Windows 16bit setup error – This app can’t run on your PC

Or maybe this error…

Setup Halted System requirements error Wrong OS, AutoCAD supports Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 5.0, Windows 95 and Windows 98

Error while trying to install AutoCAD LT 2000 on newer versions of Windows

…all is not lost, just read on…

How to install AutoCAD LT 2000

A quick word of advice: best to follow the instructions below precisely and to the letter, including folder names and paths, that way you will reduce the risk of having any problems…
  1. Obtain your copy of the Longbow Converter here
    1. Before starting, we recommend turning off Windows UAC
  2. Once you have installed the Converter App, start by double clicking the Longbow Converter shortcut on your Desktop…
    1. Insert your AutoCAD LT 2000 CD
    2. Select the 2nd tab titled “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver” by clicking on it
    3. Using the ‘…’ button select your AutoCAD LT 2000 CD
    4. Now click the “Run Old Installer” button.
      1. Read, understand and follow all the prompts
  3. Once the AutoCAD setup program appears navigate through each setup dialog as normal and do not deviate from the defaults except when you get to the installation folder – **it’s vitally important to make sure you install to c:\acadlt2000 (not Program Files (x86)\AutoCAD LT 2000 as usually prompted)** e.g.Setting custom install path for AutoCAD LT 2000
    1. Now complete the setup making sure to…
      1. ignore the error message that appears near the end about the shortcut cannot be created “Cannot create folder AutoCAD LT 2000” – you will simply need to create the program shortcut yourself by hand once the installation is finished.
      2. Do not reboot if prompted to do so
  4. Once setup has completed…
    1. Make sure to fully close the AutoCAD setup program
    2. Back in the Converter App, make sure it has completed the final stage of processing using the “Old AutoCAD Program Reviver” tab – it should display “SUCCESS” in green…
  5. Now Reboot your PC
  6. Now you are ready to run your AutoCAD LT 2000! Simply use Windows Explorer, navigate to c:\acadlt2000 and double click aclt.exe


Copyright 2021 (c) Longbow Software

5 thoughts on “Installing AutoCAD LT 2000 on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10

  1. I have tried everything that has been suggested to get Autocad lt to install on my windows 8.1. I looked at the longbow converter. If I understand correctly I need to create a file c:autodesk\cds\autocadlt2000. My problem is that I cannot create the directory because W8.1 will not let me use a back sash or a forward sash. I would really like to install autocadlt2000 on my bigger system to take advantage of my large monitor. I would have bought the longbow converter but have the above problem. Any suggestions?

    • The latest version of the Converter tool now has a “Backup CD to Disk” option, that might be the best option for you…?

  2. Have reloaded ACAD 2000LT twice and when I try to run it
    fatal error e06d7363h exception 755f3572h

    This was after a Win 10 update last week
    Also cannot uninstall old copy of ACAD LT 2000

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