Installing AutoCAD LT 2000 on Windows 11

Most users of AutoCAD LT 2000 are so used to it that they cannot do without it. With the latest hardware and required move to newer Windows versions, trying to install your AutoCAD LT 2000 gives an error like this one…

Windows 16bit setup error - This app can't run on your PC

Windows 16bit setup error – This app can’t run on your PC

Or maybe this error…

Setup Halted System requirements error Wrong OS, AutoCAD supports Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 5.0, Windows 95 and Windows 98

Error while trying to install AutoCAD LT 2000 on newer versions of Windows

…all is not lost, just read on…

Ransomware Protection Windows 11 and AutoCAD

Just before we start note that Windows 11 comes with a Ransomware Protection which includes Controlled Folder Access. Controlled folder access blocks applications from writing to your Documents, Pictures, Videos, Music, Public and Favorites folders. AutoCAD versions all the way to AutoCAD 2021 write to certain user Public folders and are therefore blocked by this feature. This can cause issues with all sorts of things including activating your AutoCAD license and even running AutoCAD. Ransomware Protection is an important feature of Windows 11 but it will affect your AutoCAD unless you allow AutoCAD and its dependent applications access to the controlled folders.

How to install AutoCAD LT 2000

A quick word of advice: please follow the instructions below precisely as documented including using the same folder names and paths. This will significantly reduce the risk of having any problems…
  1. If you don’t yet have a copy of the Longbow Converter App you can purchase it here or click on the download link we sent you via email in order to download the Converter App to your PC.
  2. Before installing the Converter App, make sure the files downloaded from our site are not blocked by Windows SmartScreen… Windows 11 is finicky, click the TLC zip first to make sure it’s fully selected then Right+click the file and select Properties. Be sure to check the Unblock checkbox as shown below and Click OK…
  3. Double click the zip file to open it and install the TLC application as normal. By the way, TLC stands for The Longbow Converter
  4. Now, start the Longbow Converter tool by double clicking the Longbow Converter shortcut on your Desktop… .
    1. Insert your AutoCAD LT 2000 CD
    2. Select the 2nd tab titled “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver” by clicking on it
    3. Next, using the ‘…’ button select your AutoCAD LT 2000 CD
    4. Next, click the “Run Old Installer” button and follow the onscreen instructions. If all is well a dialog will appear stating success, simply click OK to start your AutoCAD setup.
    5. Now, I know it’s unheard of these days, but at this point expect to wait at least 45 minutes for your AutoCAD 2000 setup.exe program to fully appear – please be patient
    6. Once the setup starts, stop and read the next step
  5. Once the AutoCAD setup program appears navigate through each setup dialog as normal and do not deviate from the defaults except when you get to the installation folder – **it’s vitally important to make sure you install to c:\acadlt2000 (not Program Files (x86)\AutoCAD LT 2000 as usually prompted)** e.g.Setting custom install path for AutoCAD LT 2000
      1. Now complete the setup making sure to…
        1. ignore the error message that appears near the end about the shortcut cannot be created “Cannot create folder AutoCAD LT 2000” – you will simply need to create the program shortcut yourself by hand once the installation is finished.
        2. Do not reboot if prompted to do so
  6. Once setup has completed…
    1. Make sure to fully close the AutoCAD setup program
    2. Back in the Converter App, make sure it has completed the final stage of processing using the “Old AutoCAD Program Reviver” tab – it should display “SUCCESS” in green…
  7. Now Reboot your PC
  8. Once rebooted, are ready to run your AutoCAD LT 2000! Simply use Windows Explorer, navigate to c:\acadlt2000 and double click aclt.exe


Copyright 2022 (c) Longbow Software

Installing AutoCAD 2000 on Windows 11

Most current AutoCAD 2000 users are very used to the software package and cannot do without it. With the latest hardware and required move to new Windows versions, trying to install your AutoCAD 2000 gives an error like this one…

Windows 16bit setup error - This app can't run on your PC

Windows 16bit setup error – This app can’t run on your PC

Or maybe this error…

Setup Halted System requirements error Wrong OS, AutoCAD supports Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 5.0, Windows 95 and Windows 98

Error while trying to install AutoCAD 2000

…all is not lost, just read on…

Ransomware Protection Windows 11 and AutoCAD

Just before we start note that Windows 11 comes with a Ransomware Protection which includes Controlled Folder Access. Controlled folder access blocks applications from writing to your Documents, Pictures, Videos, Music, Public and Favorites folders. AutoCAD versions all the way to AutoCAD 2021 write to certain user Public folders and are therefore blocked by this feature. This can cause issues with all sorts of things including activating your AutoCAD license and even running AutoCAD. Ransomware Protection is an important feature of Windows 11 but it will affect your AutoCAD unless you allow AutoCAD and its dependent applications access to the controlled folders.

How to install AutoCAD 2000

A quick word of advice: please follow the instructions below precisely as documented including using the same folder names and paths. This will significantly reduce the risk of having any problems…
  1. If you don’t yet have a copy of the Longbow Converter App you can purchase it here or click on the download link we sent you via email in order to download the Converter App to your PC.
  2. Before installing the Converter App, make sure the files downloaded from our site are not blocked by Windows SmartScreen… Windows 11 is finicky, click the TLC zip first to make sure it’s fully selected then Right+click the file and select Properties. Be sure to check the Unblock checkbox as shown below and Click OK…
  3. Double click the zip file to open it and install the TLC application as normal. By the way, TLC stands for The Longbow Converter
  4. Now, start the Longbow Converter tool by double clicking the Longbow Converter shortcut on your Desktop… .
    1. Insert your AutoCAD 2000 CD
    2. Select the 2nd tab titled “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver” by clicking on it
    3. Next, using the ‘…’ button select your AutoCAD 2000 CD
    4. Next, click the “Run Old Installer” button and follow the onscreen instructions. If all is well a dialog will appear stating success, simply click OK to start your AutoCAD setup.
  5. For AutoCAD 2000, the Migration Wizard almost instantly pops up
    1. simply click “Install 2000” as normal.
    2. Now, I know it’s unheard of these days, but at this point expect to wait at least 45 minutes for your AutoCAD 2000 setup.exe program to fully appear – please be patient
    3. Once the setup starts, stop and read the next step
  6. In the setup program, navigate through each setup dialog as normal, except when you get to the installation folder **it’s vitally important to make sure you install to c:\acad2000 (not Program Files (x86)\AutoCAD 2000 as usually prompted)**  e.g.Setting AutoCAD 2000 custom install directory to c:\acad2000Setting AutoCAD 2000 custom install directory to c:\acad2000
    1. Once you have set the Destination Folder to c:\acad2000, install as normal by selecting the Typical install
    2. Ignore the error message that the shortcut cannot be created “Cannot create folder AutoCAD 2000“, you will need to create the program shortcut by hand once the installation is finished.
    3. Do not reboot if prompted to do so
  7. Once setup has completed…
    1. Make sure to fully close the setup program
    2. Back in the Converter App…
      1. make sure it has completed the final stage of processing using the “Old AutoCAD Program Reviver” tab – it should display “SUCCESS” in green…
  8. Now Reboot your PC
  9. Your AutoCAD 2000 is ready to run as it is right now, simply use Windows Explorer, navigate to c:\acad2000 and double click acad.exe (if you want a shortcut on the Desktop you will have to manually create it)

Installing AutoCAD 2000 Express Tools

If you rely on AutoCAD 2000 Express Tools or you are seeing “Missing Application: RTEXT” Proxy dialog when you are loading on a drawing, here are the instructions for installing Express Tools Volume 9 for AutoCAD 2000

Installing AutoCAD 2000 ObjectDBX Classes Object Enabler

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 ObjectDBX Classes Object Enabler from here
  2. Unzip to folder path c:\Autodesk
  3. Start the Converter
    1. select the 2nd tab named “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver
    2. Using the “…” button, pick the c:\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2000 – ObjectDBX Classes Object Enabler folder
    3. click ‘Run Old Installer
    4. Install as normal

Installing AutoCAD 2000 AEC Object Enabler 2.11

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 AEC Object Enabler 2.11 from here
  2. Unzip your newly downloaded sp to folder path c:\Autodesk\AutoCAD2000-AEC211
  3. Start the Converter
    1. select the 2nd tab named “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver
    2. Using the “…” button, pick the c:\Autodesk\AutoCAD2000-AEC211 folder
    3. click ‘Run Old Installer
    4. Wait for the setup to appear, it could take up to 45 minutes, then install as normal

Installing AutoCAD 2000 Architectural Object Enabler 3.02

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 Architectural Object Enabler 3.02 from here
  2. Unzip and install as normal

Installing AutoCAD 2000 Service Pack 1

NOTE: Recommended only installing this sp if you really need it. Installing this service pack may break your AutoCAD because it may not match your specific AutoCAD CD. If it breaks, you will have to uninstall AutoCAD and reinstall again.

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 sp1 from here
    1. Unzip the downloaded zip file to folder path c:\Autodesk\sp
  2. Start the Converter
    1. select the 2nd tab named “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver
    2. pick the c:\Autodesk\sp\AutoCAD 2000 sp1 folder
    3. click ‘Run Old Installer
    4. Wait for the setup to appear, it could take up to 45 minutes, then install as normal

Installing AutoCAD 2000 Service Pack 2

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 sp2 from here
  2. Unzip the downloaded zip file to folder path c:\Autodesk\sp
  3. Start the Converter
    1. select the 2nd tab named “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver
    2. pick the c:\Autodesk\sp\AutoCAD 2000 sp2 folder
    3. click ‘Run Old Installer
    4. Wait for the setup to appear, it could take up to 45 minutes, then install as normal

Installing AutoCAD 2000 3D Graphics System Update 1

If you use 3D a lot in AutoCAD 2000, you should read on to install the 3DUpdate…

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 3D Graphics System Update1 from here
  2. Unzip your newly downloaded sp to folder path c:\Autodesk\update
  3. Start the Converter, select the 2nd tab, pick the c:\Autodesk\update folder and click ‘Run’
  4. Wait for the setup to appear, it could take up to 45 minutes, then install as normal.

NOTE: Some users have found that the 3D Graphics System Update runs through the install as normal but doesn’t actually update the modules. If you suspect this is true, contact Longbow Software Support.


  • If your AutoCAD 2000 setup is not starting after 45 minutes
    • try rebooting, then restart the steps above. If it is still failing, most likely it’s because of another application on your system which is preventing our setup routine from starting (perhaps anti-virus, or similar) – try installing AutoCAD 2000 from Windows Safe Mode
  • If when you start AutoCAD, you see error messages about missing missing aclst15.dll or missing ACUTIL15.dll or missing ACDB15.dll or missing acge15.dll
    • In the Converter app Using the 3rd tab, pick your c:\acad2000 folder and click ‘Fix’. Then reboot…
    • If this doesn’t fix the problem, contact Longbow Software Support.
  • Plotting – if you are having plotting issues, either
  • If you see Proxy Warning Dialogs when you open a DWG using AutoCAD 2000, you need to install the service packs as described above.
  • If you are getting a WinHelp() error when pressing F1 to try and access the Help system then simply install the WinHelp (WinHlp32.exe) module from Microsoft
  • Issues with Calcomp Digitizer – Calcomp Digitizer not working
  • If you still see the error “Wrong OS, AutoCAD supports Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 5.0, Windows 95 and Windows 98” even after converting
    • Copy the AutoCAD 2000 CD fresh to your computer, then start from step (1) again
    • If you still get the error, you need the latest version of the Longbow Converter tool
  • If you have crashing problems using the File->Open or File->Save dialogs inside of AutoCAD please read this blog entry on the File->Open or File->Save Crash in AutoCAD
Copyright 2022 (c) Longbow Software

Making the Calcomp Digitizer work in old versions of AutoCAD

Some users have experienced issues where their Calcomp Digitizer works just fine in new versions of AutoCAD (like AutoCAD 2009, but doesn’t work on older versions of AutoCAD (like AutoCAD 2000) even though both versions are installed on the same computer.

We have reports that simply disabling the Windows User Access Control  (UAC) seems to fix this issue!

Before you disable UAC – read all about UAC here

Click here to Disable UAC

Copyright 2017 (c) Longbow Software


AutoCAD 2000 Proxy dialog warnings

If you are seeing a message like this while opening DWG files using AutoCAD 2000…

The last command created proxy objects and proxy entities to represent original objects and entities whose parent ARX application(s) are currently not loaded.

It’s because you are missing the AutoCAD 2000 service packs. You need to install AutoCAD 2000 sp1 and then AutoCAD 2000 sp2, as described half way down on this page Installing AutoCAD 2000 on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10

Copyright 2017 (c) Longbow Software

Installing Autodesk Land Development Desktop R2 on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10

Installing AutoCAD Land Development Desktop R2 (LDDT R2 is AutoCAD 2000 based) on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 32bit or 64bit can be very easily defined in these short steps…

NOTE: These steps do not bypass normal Autodesk licensing/authorization, you should expect to use your own serial numbers in the normal way.

A quick word of advice: best to follow the instructions below precisely and to the letter, including folder names and paths, that way you will reduce the risk of having any problems…
  1. Obtain your copy of the Longbow Converter here – you will need version 8.50 or newer
  2. Using Windows Explorer, copy your entire LDDT R2 2000 installation CD to your hard drive, specifically to a folder path of c:\Autodesk\lddt2000
  3. Start the Longbow Converter tool, select the 2nd tab, pick the c:\Autodesk\lddt2000 folder, and click Run. Read and understand all the prompts before pressing OK.
  4. For AutoCAD 2000 versions, the Migration Wizard almost instantly pops up, simply click Install 2000 as normal. Now, I know it’s unheard of these days, but at this point expect to wait at least 45 minutes for your Land Desktop R2 setup.exe program to fully appear. Once the setup starts, stop and read the next step…
  5. In the setup program, navigate through each setup dialog as normal, except when you get to the installation folder, **it’s vitally important to make sure you install to c:\landdt2000 (not .\Autodesk Land Development Desktop as usually prompted)**
    1. Ignore the fact the the shortcut cannot be created, you will need to create this by hand once the installation is finished.
    2. Do not reboot if prompted to do so
  6. Once installed, using Windows Explorer, navigate to c:\Autodesk\lddt2000\data and run the MDAC_TYP.exe program, with these instructions
    1. When the “Microsoft Data Access Components 2.0” license agreement pops up, if you agree with the terms, click ‘Yes’
    2. At the next dialog, simply click “Continue”
    3. When the option dialog to do a Complete install or a Custom install, click “Custom”
    4. At the next dialog, un-check “Microsoft Remote Data Services” and then click “Continue”
    5. Exit the setup when finished.
  7. Next, go back to the Converter tool, select the 3rd tab, pick the newly installed c:\landdt2000 folder and click “Fix”
  8. Now you must run your AutoCAD Land Development Desktop R2 2000 as is as a first time initialization, it will start up in raw AutoCAD mode (using Windows Explorer, simply navigate to c:\landdt2000 and double click acad.exe)
    1. If you want to startup in LDT mode, simply create a shortcut to c:\landdt2000\acad.exe and set the Target property to c:\landdt2000\acad.exe /p lddt.arg
    2. If you want to startup in Map mode, simply create a shortcut to c:\landdt2000\acad.exe and set the Target property to c:\landdt2000\acad.exe /p map.arg
  9. Now you can run your Land Desktop R2 on Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10, but be sure to read the Troubleshooting guide below…

The LDT 2000 Service Pack

  1. First download the stand-alone LandDesktop R2 2.01 sp from here and save to c:\Autodesk\sp
  2. Next, start the Converter, select the 3rd tab “Old AutoCAD Program Reviver” select the c:\Autodesk\sp folder, then click Fix.
    1. If asked if this is a service pack by the Converter tool, say yes.
  3. Now run the land201.exe as normal from Windows Explorer.


  • If you are getting an “Out of memory error” when you start a new drawing, try creating a new project, and use a previous drawing to ‘Save As’ a template for use instead.

  • If your AutoCAD 2000 setup is not starting after 45 minutes, try rebooting, then restart the steps above. If it is still failing, most likely it’s because of another application on your system which is preventing our setup routine from starting (perhaps anti-virus, or similar) – try installing AutoCAD 2000 from Windows Safe Mode


Copyright 2014 (c) Longbow Software

Installing AutoCAD 2000 Express Tools Volume 9 on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10

If you are having trouble installing AutoCAD 2000 Express Tools with “This app cannot run on your PC” then read on…


Installing AutoCAD 2000 Express Tools Volume 9 (et1-9.exe) on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 32bit or 64bit can be very easily defined in these short steps.

A quick word of advice: best to follow the instructions below precisely and to the letter, including folder names and paths, that way you will reduce the risk of having any problems…

  1. Obtain your copy of the Longbow Converter here
  2. Next, make sure you have AutoCAD 2000 already installed – follow these steps Installing AutoCAD 2000 on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
  3. Unzip this zip file to c:\Autodesk
  4. Start the Longbow Converter tool, select the 2nd tab, pick the newly created c:\Autodesk\Express Tools 2000 Volume 9 folder, and click Run. Read and understand all the prompts before pressing OK.
  5. Now, I know it’s unheard of these days, but at this point expect to wait at least 45 minutes for your AutoCAD 2000 Express Tools setup.exe program to fully appear. Once the setup starts, stop and read the next step…
  6. In the setup program, navigate through each setup dialog as normal, except when you get to the installation folder, **it’s vitally important to make sure you install to c:\acad2000Et (not Program Files (x86)\AutoCAD Express Tools as usually prompted)**
    1. Do not reboot if prompted to do so
  7. Now you can happily run your Express Tools inside of AutoCAD 2000 running on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10 –  using Windows Explorer, simply navigate to c:\acad2000 and double click acad.exe to start AutoCAD 2000 and to use Express Tools 2000


  • If your Express Tools 2000 setup is not starting after 45 minutes, try rebooting, then restart the steps above. If it is still failing, most likely it’s because of another application on your system which is preventing our setup routine from starting (perhaps anti-virus, or similar) – try the same steps as above in Windows Safe Mode
Copyright 2015 (c) Longbow Software

Installing AutoCAD 2000 on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10


Most current AutoCAD 2000 users are very used to the software package and cannot do without it. With the latest hardware and required move to new Windows versions, trying to install your AutoCAD 2000 gives an error like this one…

Windows 16bit setup error - This app can't run on your PC

Windows 16bit setup error – This app can’t run on your PC

Or maybe this error…

Setup Halted System requirements error Wrong OS, AutoCAD supports Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 5.0, Windows 95 and Windows 98

Error while trying to install AutoCAD 2000

…all is not lost, just read on…

How to install AutoCAD 2000

A quick word of advice: best to follow the instructions below precisely and to the letter, including folder names and paths, that way you will reduce the risk of having any problems…
  1. Obtain your copy of the Longbow Converter here
  2. Before starting, we recommend turning off Windows UAC 
  3. Now, start the Longbow Converter tool by double clicking the Longbow Converter shortcut on your Desktop… .
    1. Insert your AutoCAD 2000 CD
    2. Select the 2nd tab titled “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver” by clicking on it
    3. Next, using the ‘…’ button select your AutoCAD 2000 CD
    4. Now click the “Run Old Installer” button.
      1. Read, understand and follow all the prompts.
  4. For AutoCAD 2000, the Migration Wizard almost instantly pops up
    1. simply click “Install 2000” as normal.
    2. Now, I know it’s unheard of these days, but at this pointexpect to wait at least 45 minutes for your AutoCAD 2000 setup.exe program to fully appear – please be patient
    3. Once the setup starts, stop and read the next step
  5. In the setup program, navigate through each setup dialog as normal, except when you get to the installation folder, **it’s vitally important to make sure you install to c:\acad2000 (not Program Files (x86)\AutoCAD 2000 as usually prompted)**  e.g.
    Setting AutoCAD 2000 custom install directory to c:\acad2000

    Setting AutoCAD 2000 custom install directory to c:\acad2000

    1. Once you have set the Destination Folder to c:\acad2000, install as normal
      1. Ignore the error message that the shortcut cannot be created “Cannot create folder AutoCAD 2000“, you will need to create the program shortcut by hand once the installation is finished.
    2. Do not reboot if prompted to do so
  6. Once setup has completed…
    1. Make sure to fully close the setup program 
    2. Back in the Converter app, make sure it has completed the final stage of processing using the “Old AutoCAD Program Reviver” tab – it should display “SUCCESS” in green…
  7. Now Reboot your PC
  8. Your AutoCAD 2000 is ready to run as it is right now, simply use Windows Explorer, navigate to c:\acad2000 and double click acad.exe (if you want a shortcut on the Desktop you will have to manually create it). 

Installing AutoCAD 2000 Express Tools

If you rely on AutoCAD 2000 Express Tools or you are seeing “Missing Application: RTEXT” Proxy dialog when you are loading on a drawing, here are the instructions for installing Express Tools Volume 9 for AutoCAD 2000

Installing AutoCAD 2000 ObjectDBX Classes Object Enabler

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 ObjectDBX Classes Object Enabler from here
  2. Unzip to folder path c:\Autodesk
  3. Start the Converter
    1. select the 2nd tab named “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver
    2. Using the “…” button, pick the c:\Autodesk\AutoCAD 2000 – ObjectDBX Classes Object Enabler folder
    3. click ‘Run Old Installer
    4. Install as normal

Installing AutoCAD 2000 AEC Object Enabler 2.11

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 AEC Object Enabler 2.11 from here
  2. Unzip your newly downloaded sp to folder path c:\Autodesk\AutoCAD2000-AEC211
  3. Start the Converter
    1. select the 2nd tab named “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver
    2. Using the “…” button, pick the c:\Autodesk\AutoCAD2000-AEC211 folder
    3. click ‘Run Old Installer
    4. Wait for the setup to appear, it could take up to 45 minutes, then install as normal

Installing AutoCAD 2000 Architectural Object Enabler 3.02

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 Architectural Object Enabler 3.02 from here
  2. Unzip and install as normal

Installing AutoCAD 2000 Service Pack 1

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 sp1 from here
    1. Unzip the downloaded zip file to folder path c:\Autodesk\sp
  2. Start the Converter
    1. select the 2nd tab named “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver
    2. pick the c:\Autodesk\sp\AutoCAD 2000 sp1 folder
    3. click ‘Run Old Installer
    4. Wait for the setup to appear, it could take up to 45 minutes, then install as normal

Installing AutoCAD 2000 Service Pack 2

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 sp2 from here
  2. Unzip the downloaded zip file to folder path c:\Autodesk\sp
  4. Start the Converter
    1. select the 2nd tab named “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver
    2. pick the c:\Autodesk\sp\AutoCAD 2000 sp2 folder
    3. click ‘Run Old Installer
    4. Wait for the setup to appear, it could take up to 45 minutes, then install as normal

Installing AutoCAD 2000 3D Graphics System Update 1

If you use 3D a lot in AutoCAD 2000, you should read on to install the 3DUpdate…

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 3D Graphics System Update1 from here
  2. Unzip your newly downloaded sp to folder path c:\Autodesk\update
  3. Start the Converter, select the 2nd tab, pick the c:\Autodesk\update folder and click ‘Run’
  4. Wait for the setup to appear, it could take up to 45 minutes, then install as normal.

NOTE: Some users have found that the 3D Graphics System Update runs through the install as normal but doesn’t actually update the modules. If you suspect this is true, contact Longbow Software Support.


  • If your AutoCAD 2000 setup is not starting after 45 minutes
    • try rebooting, then restart the steps above. If it is still failing, most likely it’s because of another application on your system which is preventing our setup routine from starting (perhaps anti-virus, or similar) – try installing AutoCAD 2000 from Windows Safe Mode
  • If when you start AutoCAD, you see error messages about missing missing aclst15.dll or missing ACUTIL15.dll or missing ACDB15.dll or missing acge15.dll
    • In the Converter app Using the 3rd tab, pick your c:\acad2000 folder and click ‘Fix’. Then reboot…
    • If this doesn’t fix the problem, contact Longbow Software Support.
  • Plotting – if you are having plotting issues, either
  • If you see Proxy Warning Dialogs when you open a DWG using AutoCAD 2000, you need to install the service packs as described above.
  • If you are getting a WinHelp() error when pressing F1 to try and access the Help system then simply install the WinHelp (WinHlp32.exe) module from Microsoft
  • Issues with Calcomp Digitizer – Calcomp Digitizer not working


  • If you still see the error “Wrong OS, AutoCAD supports Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 5.0, Windows 95 and Windows 98” even after converting
    • Copy the AutoCAD 2000 CD fresh to your computer, then start from step (1) again
    • If you still get the error, you need the latest version of the Longbow Converter tool
  • If you have crashing problems using the File->Open or File->Save dialogs inside of AutoCAD please read this blog entry on the File->Open or File->Save Crash in AutoCAD
Copyright 2021 (c) Longbow Software

Installing plotupdate.exe for AutoCAD 2000 on 64bit Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10

If you are receiving either an “Out of memory” or “Memory allocation error” while trying to plot inside of AutoCAD 2000, then you are most likely missing the AutoCAD 2000 patch called “plotupdate”.

This blog documents how to install the “plotupdate” patch on Windows7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 64bit. NOTE: You will have needed to install AutoCAD 2000 first

Here is the English readme for the AutoCAD 2000 plotupdate patch which explains what it specifically addresses. Click here for French, German, Italian and Spanish readme for plotupdate.exe

Here’s how to patch your AutoCAD 2000 with the plotupdate.exe

  1. Obtain your copy of the Longbow Converter here
  2. Next download the Plotupdate.exe for AutoCAD 2000 zip and unzip to the folder c:\Autodesk, it will unzip to c:\Autodesk\Plotupdate2000
    1. Note: Click here for French, German, Italian and Spanish plotupdate.exe
  3. Start the Longbow Converter tool
    1. Next, select the 2nd tab named ‘Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver
    2. Using the ‘…’ button select the path c:\Autodesk\Plotupdate2000 then click the ‘Run Old Installer‘ button
    3. When asked “Is this an installation media, a service pack/update or plug-in/app for AutoCAD?” say Yes
    4. Next, read and understand all the prompts before pressing OK… Now, I know it’s unheard of these days, but at this point expect to wait at least 45 minutes for the AutoCAD 2000 Plotupdate setup.exe program to appear.
    5. Once the setup starts, install as normal (simply accept all defaults).
  4. Now run your AutoCAD 2000 and plot as normal
    1. Important Tip: You can add new Plotters using the c:\acad2000\addplwiz.exe


If your PlotUpdate setup is not starting after 45 minutes

  • try rebooting, then restart the steps above. If it is still failing, most likely it’s because of another application on your system which is preventing our setup routine from starting (perhaps anti-virus, or similar)

If you still can’t get your plotter to work

  • Make sure your Anti-virus and/or Windows Firewall is not blocking splwow64.exe
    • Make sure your Anti-virus and/or Windows Firewall is not blocking splwow64.exe 
    • If the problem persists, you have 2 options
      • Install Autodesk’s free DWGTrueview App which allows full plotting using the latest version of AutoCAD 
      • Fix your AutoCAD 2000 install…
        • start the Converter App
        • Select the 3d tab “Old AutoCAD Program Reviver” 
        • Click the Tools Menu->Reduced Power Mode
        • Using the “…” button, pick your acad.exe folder e.g. c:\acad2000
        • Click “Fix Old Program” and follow prompts

Copyright 2019 (c) Longbow Software

AutoCAD 2000 – MText command gives ‘Not enough memory’ error

If you are running the AutoCAD 2000 MTEXT command and you receive the error…

“There is not enough memory to complete this operation. Try closing other applications to free memory.”

Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Start AutoCAD 2000
  2. Run the STYLE command
  3. Set any font other than a .shx (use the TT version)
  4. Now you can run your MText command

Copyright 2015 (c) Longbow Software

Installing AutoCAD LT 2000 on Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10

Most users of AutoCAD LT 2000 are so used to it that they cannot do without it. With the latest hardware and required move to newer Windows versions, trying to install your AutoCAD LT 2000 gives an error like this one…

Windows 16bit setup error - This app can't run on your PC

Windows 16bit setup error – This app can’t run on your PC

Or maybe this error…

Setup Halted System requirements error Wrong OS, AutoCAD supports Windows NT 4.0, Windows NT 5.0, Windows 95 and Windows 98

Error while trying to install AutoCAD LT 2000 on newer versions of Windows

…all is not lost, just read on…

How to install AutoCAD LT 2000

A quick word of advice: best to follow the instructions below precisely and to the letter, including folder names and paths, that way you will reduce the risk of having any problems…
  1. Obtain your copy of the Longbow Converter here
    1. Before starting, we recommend turning off Windows UAC
  2. Once you have installed the Converter App, start by double clicking the Longbow Converter shortcut on your Desktop…
    1. Insert your AutoCAD LT 2000 CD
    2. Select the 2nd tab titled “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver” by clicking on it
    3. Using the ‘…’ button select your AutoCAD LT 2000 CD
    4. Now click the “Run Old Installer” button.
      1. Read, understand and follow all the prompts
  3. Once the AutoCAD setup program appears navigate through each setup dialog as normal and do not deviate from the defaults except when you get to the installation folder – **it’s vitally important to make sure you install to c:\acadlt2000 (not Program Files (x86)\AutoCAD LT 2000 as usually prompted)** e.g.Setting custom install path for AutoCAD LT 2000
    1. Now complete the setup making sure to…
      1. ignore the error message that appears near the end about the shortcut cannot be created “Cannot create folder AutoCAD LT 2000” – you will simply need to create the program shortcut yourself by hand once the installation is finished.
      2. Do not reboot if prompted to do so
  4. Once setup has completed…
    1. Make sure to fully close the AutoCAD setup program
    2. Back in the Converter App, make sure it has completed the final stage of processing using the “Old AutoCAD Program Reviver” tab – it should display “SUCCESS” in green…
  5. Now Reboot your PC
  6. Now you are ready to run your AutoCAD LT 2000! Simply use Windows Explorer, navigate to c:\acadlt2000 and double click aclt.exe


Copyright 2021 (c) Longbow Software

Installing AutoCAD 2000 from Windows Safe Mode

If you are reading this post, it’s because your AutoCAD 2000 setup program is not starting after following the 2000 installation steps that we documented here and you have reached the Troubleshooting section.

Why the setup is not starting is a big question, most likely it’s because a Windows Update or some other installer update is pending (in which case a reboot should solve) or it could be a security ‘feature’ a 3rd party anti-virus application or similar is imposing on your system which is in turn blocking your R14 setup. The thing is, it’s impossible for us to realistically diagnose the exact problem for you, so we came up with a fail safe solution – install using Windows Safe Mode, here’s how…

NOTE: These steps do not bypass normal Autodesk licensing/authorization, you should expect to use your own serial numbers in the normal way.

  1. Obtain your copy of the Longbow Converter here, install it.
  2. Using Windows Explorer, copy your entire AutoCAD 2000 CD to your hard drive, to a folder path c:\Autodesk\acad2000
  3. Boot your computer into Safe Mode using these instructions
  4. Once in Windows Safe Mode, start the Longbow Converter tool, select the 2nd tab “Old AutoCAD Installer Reviver“, pick the c:\Autodesk\acad2000 folder, and click Run. Read and understand all the prompts before pressing OK.
    1. Once the setup starts, stop and read the next step
  5. In the setup program, navigate through each setup dialog as normal, except when you get to the installation folder, **it’s vitally important to make sure you install to c:\acad2000 (not .\AutoCAD 2000 as usually prompted)**
  6. Now carry on with the install (do not reboot once the install is complete). Ignore any errors related to not being able to create the shortcut, you will have to create a shortcut on your computer Desktop to your c:\acad2000\acad.exe by hand.
    1. Do not reboot if prompted to do so
  7. Once installed, go back to the Converter tool, select the 3rd tab, pick the newly installed c:\acad2000 folder and click “Fix”.
  8. Now reboot your computer back into normal Windows mode
  9. Open Windows Explorer, navigate to c:\acad2000 and run acad.exe – you can now happily run your AutoCAD 2000 on Windows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 32bit or 64bit

Installing AutoCAD 2000 Service Pack 1

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 sp1 from here
  2. Unzip your newly downloaded sp to folder path c:\Autodesk\sp
  3. Start the Converter, select the 2nd tab, pick the c:\Autodesk\sp\AutoCAD 2000 sp1 folder and click ‘Run’
  4. Wait for the setup to appear, it could take up to 45 minutes, then install as normal

Installing AutoCAD 2000 Service Pack 2

  1. Download AutoCAD 2000 sp2 from here
  2. Unzip your newly downloaded sp to folder path c:\Autodesk\sp
  3. Start the Converter, select the 2nd tab, pick the c:\Autodesk\sp\AutoCAD 2000 sp2 folder and click ‘Run’
  4. Wait for the setup to appear, it could take up to 45 minutes, then install as normal.
Copyright 2016 (c) Longbow Software

AutoCAD 2000 Patches and Utilities

Here are some long lost AutoCAD 2000 patches and utilities that you can still use in your AutoCAD…


  • PlotUpdate.exe – Fixes AutoCAD 2000 Heap error issues with system printers on Windows.
  • DBTrans.arx – migrates AutoCAD drawings from AutoCAD R11 or versions previous to R11, over to AutoCAD 2000
  • DDModify.lsp –  allows the user to get a listing comparable to the LIST
    ;;; command for most objects in AutoCAD 2000
  • PacknGo.arx – The initial AutoCAD 2000 version of the Pack&Go feature (PACK command) used system DLLs that may not be available on all systems. This fixes that issue.
  • pnpltpc2– contains 3 PC2 files (16penplotter.pc2, 7475a6pens.pc2 and 7586-8pens.pc2) that have been generated in AutoCAD R14 to accommodate the pen wrapping effect for pen plotters.
  • SwapContextMenu.arx – Allows AutoCAD 2000 user to swap default/edit/command mode context menus.

Copyright 2015 (c) Longbow Software